Monday, September 24, 2007

Join Me On My Journey To Rid All Debts!

I am a man with a lack of (monetary) discipline, which has led to my submerged in an ocean of debt, just from credit cards alone. The extent of my debt is as follows:
  • 5 credit cards with money owed
  • 3 credit lines with money owed

The monetary total of my debt amounts to $24,973.48 currently.

And I now aim to clear this debt within 2 years, while avoiding further debt, by paying it off with any money I make online, as well as from my regular pay. I have to recognise the fact that I owe certain entities money, and I should clear them all, be responsible, and make sure I become financially secure and free.

I have decided to share my journey with you out there on this blog, so that I can be disciplined in my efforts, through constant reporting of my progress, and also what methods I decide to use in saving money and making money to pay off this amount.

The road to redemption will be difficult, and since I cannot wipe out the debt at one go, interest payments would have to be dealt with together.

Through this blog, I hope you, the reader and my guardian, will provide me with some encouragement, whenever I encounter any obstacles and feel at a loss or overwhelmed.

If you are a fellow friend in debt, and are as determined as I am in clearing our debts, then please do visit my blog and share your thoughts and experiences with me. Perhaps my methods would also inspire and help you in your endeavours.

Good luck to me and your support will be golden!

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